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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I post-edit a track?
    Post-editing a track in Fluen Studio is straightforward. From your dashboard, look for the media track highlighted in blue, indicating it's in the 'Pending Review' status. Click on it to access the subtitle editing tool. This tool enables you to view all subtitle cues, edit text, cut/copy/paste content between cues, and adjust timestamps by moving the handles in the waveform. The best part? Any changes you make are autosaved instantly, and you can review them in real-time on the media player.
  • Do I have to manually post-edit every single subtitle track?
    Not at all. In fact, the auto-generated subtitles provided by Fluen Studio are typically of high quality and will meet your needs in most instances. However, if you plan on translating the captions, we do recommend reviewing and post-editing the source language captions. Doing so can enhance the accuracy and overall quality of the auto-generated translation tracks, ensuring a better final product.
  • How can I fine-tune the timestamps of a subtitle cue?
    Fine-tuning subtitle cue timestamps is simple with Fluen Studio. On the subtitle editor screen, each subtitle is highlighted on the waveform at the bottom. To adjust a subtitle's timing, click and drag the edges of the highlighted area on the waveform to your preferred position. However, it's important to note that our automatic spotting and subtitle alignment should already provide highly accurate timings, so extensive adjustments may not be necessary.
  • How does Auto-Segmentation work
    Auto-Segmentation in Fluen Studio uses advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) to interpret the grammatical structure of each sentence in a language-specific way. This means the process takes into account the unique grammatical and stylistic conventions of each supported language to determine optimal endpoints for each subtitle cue and the best places to insert line breaks. This approach mirrors the strategies used by professional linguists when creating subtitles from scratch.
  • What is Speaker Identification and Diarization?
    A feature that detects and marks when different people are speaking in a video, so their speech can be labeled correctly in subtitles.
  • Can I delete a subtitle track and start over?
    Absolutely, you can delete a subtitle track and start over if needed. To do this, navigate to your media dashboard and access the media details by clicking on the media title or the 'open' icon. This will display all language tracks for your media. If you wish to delete a particular subtitle track, just click the trash can icon next to it. If you want to add it again, simply use the dropdown menu located below the language tracks list.
  • Which language pairs do you support?
    Fluen Studio offers support for 33 different languages at this time. We can handle captioning and translation both from and into the following languages: English, Bulgarian, Chinese, Chinese (Taiwan), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, French (Canada), German, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Spanish (Latin America), Swedish, Turkish and Ukranian.
  • Why isn't there a one-to-one correspondence between caption and translation cues?
    Fluen Studio prioritizes the quality and readability of translations, leading us to adopt a unique approach. Unlike maintaining a strict one-to-one correspondence between caption and translation cues, we choose to group source captions into smaller paragraphs for translation. This approach offers a more coherent and contextually accurate translation output. After translation, this text is then re-segmented into the target cues. The re-segmentation maintains correct timestamps from the source or generates new ones ...
  • Can I translate a video into multiple target languages?
    During the file upload process, you can choose multiple target languages, and you can also set your default target languages in your account settings for convenience. You have the flexibility to add new language tracks to your media even after the initial set has been processed and completed. This can be done at any time, be it days or weeks later, according to your needs.
  • Can I choose the default options and languages shown on the upload screen?
    Yes. In Fluen Studio, go to your Workspace Settings > Defaults. Here you'll be able to customize the default options that appear on the upload screen to match your routine tasks. These include: 1. Default Source Language: Set your usual language for uploaded media. 2. Source Language Post-Editing: Decide if you prefer to perform post-editing on source language captions by default. 3. The AI transcription engine used to produce the source language subtitles. Currently, the options available are General, General Alternative, Medical, Finance, Automotive, and Phone. 'General' is the default and most accurate option but is also the slowest. 'General Alternative' is faster but tends to be less accurate, although it may perform better in situations with fast-paced dialogue involving multiple speakers, or significant noise and background music. The other engines provide better accuracy in recognizing industry-specific terms and jargon but only support English as the source language. 4. Speaker Diarization Setting: Enable or disable the option to add markers when the speaker changes. 5. Target Language Post-Editing: Choose your preference for post-editing translated captions. 6. Default Translation Languages: Specify a list of languages that will be pre-selected for translations every time you upload a new video.
  • Can I upload my own caption file for translation?
    As of now, Fluen Studio does not support the upload of user-generated caption files for translation.
  • What do you mean by Auto-Wordsmith? Is it just for translations?
    Auto-Wordsmith is an innovative capability enabled by AI and large language models (LLMs). It emulates a crucial aspect of professional linguists' work during subtitle translation: the skillful rewriting and adaptation of translated cues to meet character-per-second constraints or ensure optimal readability. In certain language pairs, such as English to a more verbose language like German, the translated text may exceed the available time for display or become overly convoluted. Auto-wordsmith is only applicable to auto-generated translations rather than captions. Since captions aim to provide a verbatim representation of the source content, they typically contain more literal and unchanged text.
  • What video formats does Fluen Studio support?
    Fluen Studio supports essentially any playable video file, including common formats like .mp4, .mov, .m4v, .mkv, and .avi. For audio files, Fluen Studio is compatible with formats such as .mp3, .wav and .aac.
  • How long does it take to process a media, what's the turn-around-time?
    Processing a video in Fluen Studio consists of three key steps: media encoding, caption generation, and optional translation generation. Media encoding, influenced by the file's length and size, typically lasts between 30 seconds and a few minutes. Caption generation, also dependent on the media's duration, may take up to a few minutes. Translation generation commences once the caption generation is complete and the caption review/post-edit has been completed, if you opted-in for the additional post-editing step.
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